


报告一:高橋修教授(Osamu Takahashi)函馆未来大学副校长
He joined NTT laboratories in 1975, and had been engaged in the research, development and standardization of computer networks. He moved to NTT DoCoMo in 1999, and had been engaged in the research and standardization of 3G mobile networks. And, he had been developing FOMA i-mode systems, which was a NTT DoCoMo 3G network services. In 2004, he moved to Future University Hakodate(FUN), and has been working for the Department of Media Architecture in FUN as a professor. He is also a vice president of FUN from 2012. His research interests include mobile computing and ubiquitous networking. He is aFellow of IPSJ, a member of IEEE and IEICE. He received IPSJ Industrial Achievement Award in 2003.
2. Title
Future University Hakodate, Past, Current and Future
3.Short summary of talk
I would like to have a general introduction of Future University Hakodate(FUN), including the introduction of Hakodate city, history of FUN, people in FUN, area of research, and major activities. And I will alsotalk about the future of FUN.
报告二:藤野雄一教授(Yuichi Fujino)函馆未来大学信息科学系主任
Yuichi Fujino received the BSc MSc degrees in faculty engineering fromthe Hokkaido University, Japan in 1981 and 1983. He received the Ph.D.in Information Science from the Hokkaido University, Japan in 2008. He joined NTT Laboratories in 1983 and he had been developingvisual communication systems. He also belonged to Research andDevelopment Department in the Headquarter, NTT. He has been working atthe Future University Hakodate form 2010, and now he is the professor inthe Department of Media Architecture, chair of the Department. Hisresearch interests include visual communication, informationtechnologies for medical or welfare applications, such as a telemedicineor tele-healthcare services and Life-log using mobile appliances such as smart-phones. These fields are called Medical ICT. He is also studyingMedical Engineering with related researches. He is a member of IEEE,Computer Society, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and also a member of IEICE, ITE and IPSJ.
2. Title
“Department of Media Architecture of FUN and my research interests ofMedical ICT Fields”
3.Short summary of talk
 My talk is about the Department of Media Architecture of FUN and myresearch field. FUN has two departments, which are Department of MediaArchitectureand Department of Complex and Intelligence Systems. The Department of Media Architecture has three courses, which areInformation Systems, Information design and Advanced ICT courses. Mediaarchitecture focuses on understanding the design and construction of the information systems around us, and their interfaces. Our recent interest researches are Medical ICT. We investigate asurgical navigation system, life-log based listening support system forelderly people with dementia and health management system using atelevision set. I’d like to talk about these researches briefly.
报告三:大場美智子教授 (Michiko Oba) 函馆未来大学ICT 系主任
1. CV
Michiko Oba received the BSc degree in faculty of home economics from the Japan Women’s University, Japan in 1982. She received the Ph.D. in Information System from the Osaka University, Japan in 2001. She joined Hitachi Systems Development Laboratory in 1982 and she had been studying developing knowledge based systems. She also belonged to Software Development Department in the Software Division, Hitachi Ltd.. She has been working at the Future University Hakodate since 2010, and now she is the professor in the Department of Media Architecture. Her research interests include software engineering, document communication for information system development. She is a member of IEEE, Computer Society, and also a member of IEICE, IEE and IPSJ.
2. Title
 “Advanced ICT course of FUN and my research interests of Document Communication”
3.Short summary of talk
 My talk is about Advanced ICT course in Department of Media Architecture of FUN and my research field. Advanced ICT course provides a six-year unified undergraduate/graduate studies program. It is intended to foster the development of individuals with the capacity to design and to implement advanced software systems for the industrial world.Our recent researchinterests are Document Communications. We are developing an educational content recommendation system, a disaster information system using open data, and analysis systems of intellectual act based on log. I’d like to talk about these researches briefly with the demonstration.

上一篇:帝国理工大学Dr. Zhi-Qiang Zhang 报告信息