



      李海宽,毕业于北京大学,在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学获得博士学位。有中国科学院研究生院计算机领域十几年的教学经历与在欧洲学术界与工业界二十五年的工作经验,曾受雇于荷兰Mediaan/ABS, 在国际大公司荷兰皇家电信任全职高级顾问八年,后出任荷兰鹰格集团的首席顾问官。现任CLEBA国际合作研究项目的负责人与CLEBA Group的首席技术顾问,并兼任多所大学客座教授。

Mr. H. Li graduated from Peking University, Beijing, China and received his PhD from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. He has ten years teaching experience in the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences and about 25 years experience in the European academic and industry society. He was hired by Mediaan/ABS, served for eight years as a (full-time) senior consultant for Royal Dutch Telecom. He then became chief consulting officer for Eager Group after which he became director and chief technical consultant of CLEBA Group BV. Furthermore, in the past few years he has been part-time visiting professor of multiple universities.
Dr. Li is heading an international research group developing new generation technology for e-business. Participants in the research organization are from the Netherlands, Japan, China, USA and Canada and include scientists and researchers in computer science, information technology, machine translation, communication protocols and intelligent information processing. The core technology developed in the project has been registered in the Netherlands and the CLEBA Group BV has full ownership of the intellectual properties.
       这个报告提出了面向关系的架构(ROA)。传统的架构,诸如面向功能的架构(FOA)、面向对象的架构(OOA)和面向服务的架构(SOA)都是以软件组件(或服务)为导向的,而ROA则以这些软件组件(或服务)之间的关系为导向。比起上述传统的架构来, ROA提供了一个更高层次的抽象并使软件架构变成了可计算的对象。这对于实现软件挖掘和大型复杂系统重构的自动化有着重要的意义。
In this report, Relation-Oriented Architecture (ROA) is addressed. Traditional architectures, such as Function-Oriented Architecture (FOA), Object-Oriented Architecture (OOA) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) focus on software components and services, while ROA focuses on the RELATION between the software components and/or services. ROA provides higher level abstraction than the traditional ones and makes software architectures computable artifacts. This is useful for software mining and helpful to re-architecture large and complex systems in a highly automatic way.
     这里所介绍的工作是由国际大公司荷兰皇家电信出资并由本人与荷兰计算机科学家(代尔夫特大学教授)M. LOOIJEN先生联手研究的成果。之后在许多荷兰皇家电信内外的专家与学者的支持和参与下,成功地应用于改造该公司大型复杂信息系统的工作中。
Developments being discussed here were partially funded by Royal Dutch Telecom. The research was done by the author in close cooperation with Prof. M. Looijen (Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands). Specialists and scholars inside and outside the telecom company were cooperated and the resulting technology was successfully applied in the re-construction of an existing large and complex information system.
