



香港浸会大学讲座教授 刘际明 博士将受聘为我校境外讲座教授并作报告,聘任仪式暨学术报告会将于2011年10月27日(周四)下午15:30,在图书馆西裙楼三楼学术报告厅举行,报告题目为:面向自治计算 (Autonomy-Oriented Computing, AOC)


面向自治计算(Autonomy-Oriented Computing, AOC)首先在《Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Explorations in Learning, Self-Organization, and Adaptive Computation》一书中提出。自治计算的主要思想是:依存于一种新型的计算系统(一个开放的非平衡系统),自治计算体遵循特定的源自自然或真实世界的行为规则,通过相互之间或与周围环境的局部交互,实现信息交换和效用更新。计算体的交互过程能够动态形成正反馈和负反馈机制,在这两种机制的作用下,某些期望的计算体行为或作用在一定的时空范围内将会被积聚或放大,而其他的行为或作用则被减弱或抑制。与其他计算范式(如集中式计算或自顶向下的系统建模)相比,自治计算的优势主要包括:(1)刻画自然系统与人工系统中自治行为的本质特征;(2)解决复杂性计算问题,尤其是具有交互性和多维度性的动态演化和高复杂度问题,如大规模计算、分布式约束满足、分布式优化等;(3)刻画自然和人工系统中的复杂现象和涌现行为;(4)发现复杂现象和涌现行为背后的原理机制。

Bio Sketch:

Jiming Liu is currently the Chair Professor of Computer Science Department at Hong Kong Baptist University, and a Fellow of IEEE. He and his collaborators pioneered the research in Web Intelligence (WI) and multi-agent Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC), and are presently developing WI and AOC applications to solve real-world complex system/complex network related problems (e.g., in health and health systems, extreme events, and sustainability/energy management). Prof. Liu obtained his Master of Engineering and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from McGill University, Canada, and held full-time R&D positions in Canada prior to 1994. In 1999, Prof. Liu was an invited Visiting Scholar in Computer Science Department at Stanford University. Prof. Liu has published many international journal articles, book chapters and conference papers, as well as authored research monographs and edited books. Prof. Liu has contributed to the academic community in various capacities, e.g., serving as the Editor-in-Chief of Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (WIAS), an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics–Part B, and Computational Intelligence etc., the Editor/Editor-in-Chief of two book series, and an Editorial Board Member of several other international journals.

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