



嵌入式计算技术研究所近几年发表SCI/EI论文100余篇,包括IEEE TPAMI、IEEE TIP、IEEETCSVT、ACM Ubicomp等CCF A类期刊/会议以及SCI一区论文多篇;部分论文如下所列:

[1]Di Wang Xinbo Gao, Xiumei Wang, and Lihuo He. Label consistent matrix factorization hashing for large-scale cross-modal similarity search. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2019, 41(10):2466-2479. (IF=9.455, CCF A类期刊).

[2]Hui Zhao, Jing Wang, Feng Liu, Quan Wang, Weizhan Zhang, Qinghua Zheng. Power-aware and performance-guaranteed virtual machine placement in the cloud[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2018, 29(6): 1385-1400(IF=4.181, CCF A类期刊).

[3]Wang Di, Gao Xinbo, Wang Xiumei. Multimodal Discriminative Binary Embedding for Large-scale Cross-modal Retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016,25(10): 4540-4554. (IF=4.828, CCF A类期刊).

[4]Sicong Liu, Zimu Zhou, Junzhao Du, Longfei Shangguan, Jun Han, Xin Wang. UbiEar: Bringing Location-independent Sound Awareness to the Hearing Impaired with Smartphones. In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies(Ubicomp'17), Maui, Hawaii,USA (CCF A类会议).

[5]Di Wang; Xinbo Gao*; Xiumei Wang; Lihuo He; Semantic topic multimodal hashing for cross-media retrieval, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015-07. (CCF A类会议).

[6]Wang Di, Gao Xinbo, and Wang Xiumei. Semi-supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via Constraint Propagation. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2015, 46(1): 233-244. (IF=7.384,中科院一区SCI).

[7]Wang Di, Wang Quan, and Gao Xinbo. Robust and Flexible Discrete Hashing for Cross-modal Similarity Search. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , 2018, 28(10): 2703-2715.

[8]Yumin Tian, Aifeng Sun, Nan Luo* , Yun Gao. Aerial image mosaicking based on the 6-DoF imaging model. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 41(1): 74-89.

[9]Nan Luo, Quan Wang*, Qi Wei, Chuan Jing. Object-level Segmentation of Indoor Point Clouds by The Convexity of Adjacent Object Regions. IEEE Access, 2019,7: 171934-171949.

[10]Nan Luo, Quan Wang*. Effective outlier matches pruning algorithm for rigid pairwise point cloud registration using distance disparity matrix. IETComputer Vision, 2018, 12(2): 220-232.

[11]Liu Gang, Zhang Runan, Song Huimin. A RBAC Model with Transformation. Computers & Security (2.849). 2016.

[12]Ma Chaoyang, Zhu Jiangfeng, Liu Kai. Longitudinally diode-pumped planar waveguide YAG/Yb:LuAG/YAG ceramic laser at 1030.7 nm. Optics Letters (3.416), 2016.

[13]Ding Wenwen, Liu Kai. Learning Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Pattern for Human Activity Prediction. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (2.164), 2016.

[14]Pengfei Yang, Quan Wang, Xiaokun Huang, Xin Mi. Work in Progress: An Confidentiality and Integrity Scheme for the Distributed Shared Memory of Embedded Multi-core System. International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, 2018.

[15]Pengfei Yang Quan Wang, Tao Guo, Wei Li,ZhiQiang Zhang. Adaptive Optimization Design of Vector Error Diffusion Algorithm and IP Core for FPGA. IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, 2018.

[16]Nan Luo, Quan Wang*. Fast slicing orientation determination and optimizing algorithm for least volumetric error in rapid prototyping. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 83(5-8): 1297-1313.

[17]Sicong Liu, Yingyan Lin, Zimu Zhou, Kaiming Nan, Hui Liu, Junzhao Du, On-Demand Deep Model Compression for Mobile Devices: A Usage-Driven Model Seletion Framework, In Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys '18). 2018, Munich, Germany, p389-400.

[18]Di Wang, Yumin Tian*, Wenhui Geng, Lin Zhao, and Chen Gong. LPR-Net: Recognizing Chinese License Plate in Complex Environments. Pattern Recognition Letters(1.952), 2018.

[19]Ma Chaoyang, Zhu Jiangfeng,Liu Kai. CW and Tunable Performances of Yb3+:LuAG Transparent Ceramics with Different Doping Concentrations. Optical Material (2.238), 2017.

[20]Tian Yumin, Sun Aifeng, Wang Di. Seam-line Determination via Minimal Connected Area Searching and Minimum Spanning Tree for UAV Image Mosaicking. International Journal of Remote Sensing (1.724), 2017.

[21]H Hao, Zhou Z, Li S, et al. Shell feature: a new radiomics descriptor for predicting distant failure after radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer and cervix cancer. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2018.

[22]H Hao, Z Zhou, J Wang. Distant failure prediction for early stage NSCLC by analyzing PET with sparse representation, SPIE Medical Imaging, Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2017.

[23]H Hao, Z Zhou, J Wang. Distant failure prediction for early stage NSCLC by analyzing PET with sparse representation, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2017.

[24]H Hao, Z Zhou, S Li, M Folkert, K Westover, P Iyengar, L Yang, J Wang. Shell Feature: A New Descriptor for Predicting Distant Failure in Lung SBRT, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2017 (Oral presentation).

[25]H Hao, Z Zhou, S Li, M Folkert, K Westover, P Iyengar, L Yang, J Wang. Extended shell feature Evaluation of tumor extension in distant failure prediction in non-small cell lung cancer, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2018 (Oral presentation).
