

    研究所在三年内在IEEE JSAC/TIFS/TCOM、ACMSIGCOMM、INFOCOM、安全四大顶会等国内外主流期刊和会议上发表高水平论文200余篇,他引次数超过5000次,授权国家技术发明专利100余件,国际PCT专利5件,已转让专利13项,登记软件著作权50多件;制定国际ITU标准3项、中国电子行业标准3项,中国通信行业标准2项。在无线网络安全、云计算与数据安全、物联网及安全、区块链与安全治理等方面均取得了具有自主知识产权的研究成果。

    研究所拥有多位海内外知名学者,包括日本函馆未来大学的姜晓鸿教授(国际知名计算机网络通信领域专家),日本东北大学的白鸟则郎教授(教育部海外名师)、意大利米兰理工大学的Achille Pattavina教授(教育部海外名师)等,并与北京大学、清华大学、美国北卡州立大学、美国韦恩州立大学、美国天普大学、美国弗吉尼亚理工大学、日本东北大学、日本中央大学、日本庆应大学、日本函馆未来大学等多个国内外学术团队建立了长期合作交流的友好关系;为开阔学生的国际视野,研究所发起了包括网络与网络应用国际会议(NaNA, International Conference on Networking and Network Applications)、中国计算机网络与信息安全学术会议等在内的多个学术会议,累计研究生海内外长期访学交流10多人次。目前,团队已累计培养包括AnterFaree(也门)、Ahmed Salem(埃及)、阮金清(越南)和Yue Chun Jonathan(法国)等多名国际留学生。



    1.Ranran Sun, Bin Yang*, Siqi Ma, Yulong Shen*, Xiaohong Jiang. Covert Rate Maximization in Wireless Full-Duplex Relaying Systems with Power Control. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 69(9): 6198-6212, 2021. (中科院I区)

    2.Shuangrui Zhao, Jia Liu, Yulong Shen*, Xiaohong Jiang, Norio Shiratori. Secure and Energy-Efficient Precoding for MIMO Two-Way Untrusted Relay Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security,16: 3371-3386, 2021. (CCF A类)

    3.Pinchang Zhang, Jun Liu, Yulong Shen, Xiaohong Jiang. Exploiting Channel Gain and Phase Noise for PHY-layer Authentication in Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2021, 16: 4265-4279, 2021. (CCF A类)

    4.Xuewen Dong, Liangmin Wang, Qingsong Yao, Yongzhi Wang, Junwei Zhang, Yulong Shen. Towards Flexible and Truthful Incentive for Multichannel Allocation in DSA. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70(5): 4646-4656, 2021. (中科院II区)

    5.Yang Xu, Jia Liu, Yulong Shen, Xiaohong Jiang, Yusheng Ji, Norio Shiratori. QoS-Aware Secure Routing Design for Wireless Networks With Selfish Jammers. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 20(8): 4902-4916, 2021 (中科院I区)

    6.Yuanyu Zhang, Yulong Shen, Xiaohong Jiang, Shoji Kasahara. Secure millimeter-wave ad hoc communications using physical layer security. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2021, 17: 99-114. (CCF A类)

    7.Di Lu, Ruidong Han, Yulong Shen, Xuewen Dong, Jianfeng Ma, Xiaojiang Du, Mohsen Guizani. xTSeH: A Trusted Platform Module Sharing Scheme Towards Smart IoT-eHealth Devices. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 39(2): 370-383, 2021. (CCF A类)

    8.Guoying Qiu, Deke Guo*, Yulong Shen*, Guoming Tang, Sheng Chen. Mobile Semantic-Aware Trajectory for Personalized Location Privacy Preservation. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(21): 16165-16180, 2021. (中科院I区)

    9.Lingtong Liu, Yulong Shen, Yibo Yan, Tong Yang, Muhammad Shahzad, Bin Cui, Gaogang Xie. SF-Sketch: A Two-Stage Sketch for Data Streams. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 31(10): 2263-2276, 2020. (CCF A类)

    10.Pinchang Zhang, Yulong Shen*, Xiaohong Jiang, Bin Wu. Physical Layer Authentication Jointly Utilizing Channel and Phase Noise in MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 68(4): 2446-2458, 2020. (中科院I区)

    11.Shuangrui Zhao, Jia Liu, Yulong Shen*, Xiaohong Jiang, Norio Shiratori. Secure Beamforming for Full-duplex MIMO Two-way Untrusted Relay Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 15: 3775-3790, 2020. (CCF A类)

    12.Yongzhi Wang, Yulong Shen, Cuicui Su, Jiawen Ma, Lingtong Liu, and Xuewen Dong. CryptSQLite: SQLite With High Data Security. IEEE Transactions on Computer, 69(5): 666-678, 2020. (CCF A类)

    13.Ji He, Jia Liu, Yulong Shen*, Xiaohong Jiang, Norio Shiratori. Link Selection for Security-QoS Tradeoffs in Buffer-aided Relaying Networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 15: 1347-1362, 2020. (CCF A类)

    14.Junjie Xie, Deke Guo, Xiaozhou Li, Yulong Shen, Xiaohong Jiang. Cutting Long-tail Latency of Routing Response in Software Defined Networks. IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, 36(3): 384-396, 2018. (CCF A类)

    15.Yuanyu Zhang, Shoji Kasahara, Yulong Shen*, Xiaohong Jiang, Jianxiong Wan. Smart Contract-Based Access Control for the Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(2): 1594-1605, 2019. (ESI高被引,中科院I区)

    16.Bangbang Ren, Deke Guo, Yulong Shen, Guoming Tang, Xu Lin. Embedding Service Function Tree with Minimum Cost for NFV Enabled Multicast. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2019, 37(5): 1085-1097. (CCF A类)

    17.Yongzhi Wang, Yulong Shen, Xiaohong Jiang. Practical Verifiable Computation-A MapReduce Case Study. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 13(6): 1376-1391, 2018. (CCF A类,中科院II区)














    招生联系人:姜楠 联系电话:13571030980,邮箱:baobaojiang1992@163.com