

    代表性论文(CCF A类):

    [1] Yanguo Peng, Long Wang, Jiangtao Cui, Ximeng Liu, Hui Li, Jianfeng Ma. LS-RQ: ALightweight andForward-secureRangeQuery onGeographicallyEncryptedData. IEEE TDSC. 2020,published online.

    [2] Meng Wang, Hui Li, Jiangtao Cui, Ke Deng, Sourav S Bhowmick, Zhenhua Dong. PINOCCHIO: Probabilistic Influence-based Location Selection over Moving Objects. IEEE TKDE. 2016, 28(11): 3068-3082. published online.

    [3] Hui Li, Sourav S Bhowmick, Jiangtao Cui, Yunjun Gao, Jianfeng Ma. GetReal: Towards Realistic Selection of Influence Maximization Strategies in Competitive Networks. ACM SIGMOD. 2015, 1525-1537. published online.

    [4] Hui Li, Sourav S Bhowmick, Aixin Sun, Jiangtao Cui. Conformity-aware Influence Maximization in Online Social Networks. Springer VLDBJ. 2015, 24(1): 117-141. published online.

    [5] Yingfan Liu, Jiangtao Cui, Zi Huang, Hui Li, Hengtao Shen. SK-LSH: An Efficient Index Structure for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search. Morgan Kaufmann/ACM VLDB. 2014, 7(9): 745-756. published online.

    [6] Xiaofeng Zhu, Zi Huang, Hong Cheng, Jiangtao Cui, Hengtao Shen. Sparse Hashing for Fast Multimedia Search. ACM TOIS. 2013, 31(2): 9. published online.

    [7] Yanni Li*, Hui Li, Tihua Duan, Sheng Wang, Zhi Wang, Yang Cheng. A Real Linear and Parallel Multiple Longest Common Subsequences (MLCS) Algorithm. ACM SIGKDD. 2016,pp.1725-1734.published online.

    [8] Yanni LI, Yuping WANG, Zhensong Zhang, Yaxin Wang, Ding Ma, Jianbin Huang. A Novel Fast and Memory Efficient Parallel MLCS Algorithm for Longer and Large-Scale Sequences Alignments.IEEE ICDE. 2016,pp.1033-1044. published online.

    [9] Ziyu Guan, Lijun Zhang, Jinye Peng, Jianping Fan. Multi-view Concept Learning for Data Representation. IEEE TKDE. 2015, pages 3016-3028. published online.

    [10] Ziyu Guan, Shengqi Yang, Huan Sun, Mudhakar Srivatsa, Xifeng Yan. Fine-Grained Knowledge Sharing in Collaborative Environments. IEEE TKDE. 2015,pages 2163-2174. published online.

    [11] Ziyu Guan, Gengxin Miao, Russell McLoughlin, Xifeng Yan, Deng Cai. Co-Occurrence Based Diffusion for Expert Search on the Web. IEEE TKDE.2013, pages 1001-1014. published online.

    [12] Ziyu Guan, Fei Xie, Wanqing Zhao, Xiaopeng Wang, Long Chen, Wei Zhao, Jinye Peng. Tag-based Weakly-supervised Hashing for Image Retrieval.Morgan Kaufmann IJCAI. 2018, 3776- 3782. published online.

    [13] Ziyu Guan, Long Chen, Wei Zhao, Yi Zheng, Shulong Tan, Deng Cai. Weakly-supervised Deep Learning for Customer Review Sentiment Classification.Morgan Kaufmann IJCAI. 2016, pages 3719-3725. published online.

    [14] Ziyu Guan, Xifeng Yan, Lance M. Kaplan. Measuring Two-Event Structural Correlations on Graphs.Kaufmann/ACM VLDB. 2012,pages 1400-1411. published online.

    [15] Hongwei Huo.MSQ-Index: a succinct Index for fast graph similarity search. IEEE TKDE. 2019. published online.

    [16] Jianbin Huang, Heli Sun, Qinbao Song, Hongbo Deng, Jiawei Han. Revealing Density-Based Clustering Structure from the Core-Connected Tree of a Network. IEEE TKDE. 2013, 25(8): 1876-1889. published online.

    [17] Jianbin Huang, XuejunHuangfu, Heli Sun, Hui Li, Peixiang Zhao, Hong Cheng, Qinbao Song. Backward Path Growth for Efficient Mobile Sequential Recommendation. IEEE TKDE. 2015, 27(1): 46-60. published online.

    [18] Zhou Yang, Heli Sun, Jianbin Huang, Zhongbing Sun, Hui Xiong, Shaojie Qiao, Ziyu Guan, Xiaolin Jia. An Efficient Destination Prediction Approach Based on Future Trajectory Prediction and Transition Matrix Optimization. IEEE TKDE. 2018, accepted.

    [19] Shaojie Qiao, Nan Han, Yunjun Gao, Rong-Hua Li, Jianbin Huang,Jun Guo, Louis Alberto Gutierrez.A Fast Parallel Community Discovery Model on Complex Networks Through Approximate Optimization. IEEE TKDE. 2018,30(9): 1638-1651. published online.

    [20] Wei Feng, Jianyong Wang, Jiaweihan, CharuAggarwal,Jianbin Huang. StreamCube: Hierarchical Spatio-temporal Hashtag Clustering for Event Exploration over the Twitter Stream. IEEE ICDE. 2015, pp.1561-1572. published online.

    [21] Yanni Li, Yuping Wang, Zhensong Zhang, Yaxin Wang, Ding Ma and Jianbin Huang. A Novel Fast and Memory Efficient Parallel MLCS Algorithm for Long and Large-Scale Sequences Alignments. IEEE ICDE. 2016, published online.

    [22] Xiaoke Ma,Di Dong, Quan Wang. Community detection in multi-layer networks using joint nonnegative matrix factorization.IEEE TKDE. 2019,31(2): 273-286. published online.

    [23] Xiaoke Ma, Di Dong, Evolutionary nonnegative matrix factorization algorithms for community detection in dynamic networks.IEEE TKDE. 2017,29 (5):1045-1058. published online.

    [24] Xiaoke Ma, Wanxin Tang, et al., Extracting stage-specific and dynamic modules through analyzing multiple networks associated with cancer progression. IEEE/ACMTCBB. 2018,15(8):647-658. published online.

    [25] Liang Bao, Chase Q. Wu, et al. Performance Modeling and Workflow Scheduling of Microservice-based Applications in Clouds. IEEE TPDS. 2019, vol.30, pages:2114-2129. published online.

    [26] Liang Bao, Xin Liu, Fangzheng Wang, and Baoyin Fang. ACTGAN: Automatic Configuration Tuning for Software Systems with Generative Adversarial Networks. IEEE/ACM ASE 2019. published online.

    [27] Liang Bao, Chase Q. Wu, et al. LAS: Logical-Block Affinity Scheduling in Big Data Analytics Systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM. 2018, pages: 15-19. published online.

    [28] Liang Bao, Xin Liu, Ziheng Xu, and Baoyin Fang. AutoConfig: Automatic Configuration Tuning for Distributed Message Systems. In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM ASE. 2018, pages: 29-40. published online.

    [29] Xiaoli Wang, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Haiming Ma. On the Design of a Time, Resource, and Energy Efficient Multi-installment Large-Scale Workload Scheduling Strategy for Nework-based Compute Platforms. IEEE TPDS. 2019, 30(5):1120-1133. published online.

    [30] Xiaoli Wang, Bharadwaj Veeravalli. Performance Characterization on Handling Large-scale Partitionable Workloads on Networked Compute Platforms. IEEE TPDS. 2017, 28(10):2925-2938. published online.

    [31] Xiaofang Xia, Yang Xiao, Wei Liang. “ABSI: An Adaptive Binary Splitting Algorithm for Malicious Meter Inspection in Smart Grid”, IEEE TIFS. 2019, vol. 14, issue 2, pp.445-458. published online.

    [32] Xiaofang Xia, Yang Xiao, Wei Liang. “SAI: A Suspicion Assessment Based Inspection Algorithm to Detect Malicious Users in the Smart Grid”, IEEE TIFS. 2019, vol. 15, pp. 361-374. published online.

    [33] Hongwei Huo. Efficient compression and indexing for highly repetitive DNA sequence collections. IEEE/ACM TCBB. 2020. published online.

    [34] Zhao Wei, Guan Ziyu, Chen Long, He Xiaofei, Cai Deng, Wang Beidou, Wang Quan. Weakly-Supervised Deep Embedding for Product Review sentiment Analysis. IEEE TKDE. 2018, 30(1):185-197. published online.

    [35] Zhao Wei, Zhang Boxuan, Wang Beidou, Guan Ziyu, Guan Wanxian, Qiu Guang, Ning Wei, Chen Jiming, Liu Hongmin. Personalized Attraction Enhanced Sponsored Search with Multi-task Learning. ACM SIGKDD, 2019, pages 2632–2642. published online.